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Design a successful return-to-work plan for the best employee experience

Proactively plan for an employee's upcoming parental leave to provide the best employee experience, focusing on high-touch engagement and personalization. 

We break down best practices and outline four steps to rolling out a seamless re-onboarding policy.

Remember, no two parental leaves are alike and you need a strategy to engage all parents - birthing, non-birthing, adoptive and foster - and to guide them back to work supported and engaged.

Scroll down to download the employer toolkit.

Mauris commodo turpis elit, sed dictum orci pharetra ac.

Download the toolkit 


The only business solution for paid parental leave

95% of Parento parents return to full-time work, that's 30% above average

With an affordable paid parental leave solution, there's no reason employers are losing talent or struggling to recruit. 80% of employees are or will be parents and 86% value paid parental leave to remain loyal.

Employers can prevent turnover and save money by investing in family-friendly policies with tangible results. 

Schedule a 15 minute discovery call to get started.


Download the white paper.