Free parental leave planner for your upcoming leave
Use this free tool to get organized ahead of time, improving the parental leave experience, so you can focus on your new child rather than juggle paperwork and logistics once your parental leave begins.
Logistics to start early and stress less
The Parental Leave Planner includes a comprehensive approach and checklist to help new parents navigate the logistics of parental leave, including important conversations to get started.
Understand and organize your options
Includes an overview of what information is needed to understand and organize paid parental leave options, including guidance to help you plan financially and ensure there are no surprises down the road.
Templates to communicate your plan
Includes sample out-of-office auto replies to use as templates that can be scheduled ahead of time, as well as a page summarizing all the information managers or HR may need to know
Download your planner
The guide will be emailed to you - be sure to check your promotions folder.